Roadrunner Auto Glass

Our Services
Auto Glass Repair
Auto Glass Replacement
Quarter Glass
Back Glass
Power Window Repairs
Personal Auto Glass
Commercial Vehiele Glass
RV & Heavy Equipment
Lifetime No-Leak Warranty

Our Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm
Sunday Closed

Credit Cards Accepted

Do you have a chipped or cracked windshield or power windows that don’t work?

Need auto glass replacement for your commercial vehicles?

Searching for hard to find auto glass for classic car restoration?

Did You Know?

If you call your insurance company before calling us, you could lose your RIGHT to choose who does your auto glass repair or install. Call us first and WE will take care of your insurance company and ensure you receive a quality Auto Glass Repair or Replacement. Florida Statute 627.7288 requires auto insurers in Florida to repair or replace their policy holders damaged windshield with ZERO deductible, or, in other words, for FREE! Comprehensive coverage is required. Don't worry if you don't have comprehensive coverage we still have great pricing for you too. We will work with you to get you a new windshield within 24 Hrs. Roadrunner Auto Glass is available in Dunnellon, Ocala, all of Marion County, Crystal River, Inverness, Homosassa, and all of Citrus County.

Dedicated Staff

The staff at Roadrunner Auto Glass is dedicated to finding high-quality replacement parts for each of our customers. We are a family owned business that believes in taking care of our community. Our highly trained technicians will take care of everything from filling out the paperwork with your insurance company to finding and installing the correct auto glass for your vehicle. We can repair or replace auto glass for your car, truck, van, SUV, RV, commercial fleet vehicles, construction & heavy equipment vehicles, classic cars and hard to find auto glass. We can even repair your power window mechanisms.

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